Mothers’ Day

Today is Mothers’ Day, a special day to show our appreciation for all the women in our lives, especially our mother.  Living or not, we can honor them or their memory.  It may be that some have taken the place of our biological mother to become what a mother should have been to us.  If so, we should be grateful to God that He has provided us with someone who loves and cares for us perhaps even more than they do, or should have.  They are doing a very difficult job day in and day out often with little thanks along the way and maybe with far too little help and cooperation.  Reflect now upon your relationship with the woman/women in your life, especially the one you call ‘mother.’  How are you treating them?  If you are treating them badly, taking them for granted, criticizing them unduly, speaking badly of them, saying ugly and hurtful things, then repent and let them know you will do better.

God honors women with being the means by which new life, all human life, is brought into the world.   There may come a time when scientists are able to bring about live births some other way, but for now, and as far as God’s plan is concerned, women have that special distinction alone.  Except for being saved from sin and taking one’s place among the saints of God, there can be no greater blessing given to humanity.  For it was through the bearing of children that our Messiah, Jesus the Christ, came into the world to save us all from the doom of a devil’s hell (Genesis 3:15; Matthew 1:21).

Statistics are showing that birth rates are down, way down.  Due to abortion and other life choices, people are dying faster than they are being born.  By the millions, babies are cast out of the womb to become substance for hair conditioner (collagen) or for some other profit to those whose goals are to enrich themselves.  There are mothers who are part of this operation, who have besmirched the name and blessing God has given them.  This trend will no doubt continue if we do not make clear to our youth, boys and girls, that all human life is precious and sacred; that motherhood and parenthood is God’s arrangement for the family.  Culture and convenience must never be allowed to change that.  Mothers should nurture and protect their little ones, never harm them.

Someone went through great pain to bring us into the world.  She may have been in such a state for hours or perhaps days.  When we arrived, sent from God Himself as His little gift to her and the world, she smiled and held us close.  She fed us, clothed us, protected us, cleaned us, remedied our hurts, wiped our runny noses, shamed our enemies, tanned our behinds as needed, but always, always, loved us no matter what.

She was our mother.  We all have one (or more).  Remember them and honor them on this day.  It is a Biblical principle (Romans 13:7) and the right thing to do.




About Danny McCain

I have worked as a Missionary/Evangelist at Green County Church of Christ in Greensburg, Kentucky, since May of 1998. I am married, have two children and two grandchildren. I enjoy old movies, good books, and gardening, but I love preaching, teaching, and learning from the Word of God. I want to use it to serve the Lord and save souls.
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